Contact Details:

Lattimore Gospel Hall 

7 Lattimore Road 

St Albans 


AL1 3XL 

Email Us

Lattimore Gospel Hall

 7 Lattimore Road,  St Albans,  Herts  AL1 3XL


Sunday 11.15am The Lord's Supper

The Bible Ventures Exhibition, Free viewing

Open every Sunday 2.30pm - 5.30pm for full viewing or by appointment 01727 858869 

December Christmas 2024 event - go to  - see special events


Inviting you to our Zoom meetings conducted at Lattimore Gospel Hall every Thursday at 8pm. All are welcome. 

    Zoom opens at 7.45pm.  Meeting ID: 527 007 5712    Pass-code: Ram7vL


Family Service 10.20am 10.50am last Sunday of the month

Weekday Mums and Tots statting early 2025

For gospel messages, written ministry or if you are new to St Albans and interested in joining us, please see the side panel for links.


See "Special Events" for one off events and more details on all the above.


We are an independent, non-conformist congregation with 'open brethren' practices of freedom in participation. We receive all who belong to the Lord through faith, whose life reflects this fully with no reservations.

All who hear the gospel can be saved through faith in the incarnate eternal Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on Calvary, rose from the dead and ascended to His Father's right hand in heaven, and who intercedes for all those redeemed by His blood. The promise of God.

Lattimore Gospel Hall


Jacques Peens  07798 856952   email

Keith Sherwood: (work) 01727 823812 or 01442 263475.  Email: or